Saturday, August 2, 2008

Pocket Reviews: Wanted

Talk about smart yarn. This one ain’t.  

But it sure is damn entertaining. James McAvoy sheds off his faun costume to play Wesley Gibson, a nobody on the verge of a meltdown who discovers that he could bend ‘em like Beckham – the bullets, that is. Soon he was recruited to a secret organization of assassins calling itself the Fraternity that takes orders from – get this – a loom, which weaves out names of its targets.

Borrowing thematic elements from Fight Club and Star Wars, keeps the yawns at bay with fantastic special effects that bend the laws of physics faster than you can say “Matrix”. With Angelina Jolie as the foxy assassin Fox (not related to Megan) and a slumming Morgan Freeman trying (and succeeding) to lend class to an otherwise forgettable outfit, the movie teeters between the slap-your-head absurd and flat-out entertaining. But it’s really McAvoy’s earnestness and simmering charisma that makes the movie more enjoyable than it really is. (Three out of four stars).

Ayn’s Take: (Swoon) Never mind the ridiculous plot. James McAvoy is MINE!

Note:  Photo Courtesy of IMDB.

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